AstroLands Summer Interns 2021 Blog 1

Hello from AstroLand’s new interns! We’re Lauren and Gráinne and we’re very excited to be working with I-LOFAR for the next 10 weeks. This is the first of our weekly blog posts to keep you up to date with everything we’ve got going on.

But first, let us introduce ourselves!

Lauren and Gráinne at I-LOFAR and the Leviathan (Virtually of course!)

Lauren and Gráinne at I-LOFAR (Virtually of course!)


Hi I’m Lauren and I’m a third year DCU student studying Physics with Astronomy. As you can tell by my degree, I love everything to do with space and I’m really excited to be working with AstroLands to share what I know! I can’t wait to teach students and show them what it’s like being an undergraduate studying all this cool stuff! 


Hi! I’m Gráinne and I’ve just finished my second year in Trinity studying Theoretical Physics. I’m very excited to be working with the AstroLands team to provide a hands-on learning experience about all things space. I’m looking forward to meeting students and hopefully encouraging them to study in the field of STEM as well! It has been a great first week getting to know everyone and brainstorming ideas to make this year’s camps the best yet!

What have we been up to?

We have started to prepare for the three Astro Camps that will run in July and August. This week we came up with ideas for all new activities and talks to keep things interesting at camp. It’s been tough trying to narrow down all the ideas to fit into a few hours! We also spent a lot of time on social media getting the word out about the camps. We’ve been updating the website, putting together new designs, and finalising ideas for each AstroLands camp. You can see what we’ve designed so far on the I-LOFAR Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. Hopefully it can inspire a new generation of scientists by showing them the things we love most about astronomy! 

Is there anything to get involved with yet?

Yes, you can register now for the AstroLands camps that will be running in July and August and we will see you there!