Visiting I-LOFAR with a class/group
We are once again running in person group visits to the I-LOFAR Education Centre for Autumn 2021. If you are interested in visiting I-LOFAR in Birr Castle Demesne with a second level class for a tour, workshop/talk or both please register you interest via the form below and we will be in touch to arrange this.
Visits typically last for 90 minutes to 2 hours and include a guided tour and hands-on interactive workshop. We will work with you to arrange a visit most suitable for you and your students.
There is a charge of €7 per student for a visit to I-LOFAR to begin to cover some of our costs in running these activities. This includes a tour and interactive workshop/talk. If this is a barrier for your students please get in touch and we will try our best to work something out – we do believe that everyone should have access to science!
Contact with any queries or accessibility requirements.
For any queries email
These activities are part of the I-LOFAR Astronomical Midlands (AstroLands) Education Programme, run by Trinity College Dublin School of Physics and supported by Science Foundation Ireland and ESERO Ireland.