We are excited for Science Week this year, running from 8th to 15th November, and have lots of online events lined up!
Thanks to support from Science Foundation Ireland and ESERO Ireland, we are delighted to be running FREE online activities for schools including researcher talks, class workshops and teachers CPD sessions – there’s something for everyone.

Astrophysics Researcher Talk
Wednesday 11th Nov (10:00 – 11:00)
Your class can tune in to our Science Week Special event – a Zoom chat with Dr Caitriona Jackman from DIAS. Hear about her amazing research using I-LOFAR to study planets in our Solar System, what makes them different to Earth, and have an opportunity to ask questions about it all!
This is aimed at senior Primary (5th and 6th Class), Junior Cycle (1st to 3rd Year) and Transition Year students. For more information and to book a spot fill out the form below.
Registered classes will be contacted with further details to prepare questions for Dr Jackman.
***This event has now finished. A recording of the talk and Q&A session with Dr Caitriona Jackman will be on our YouTube channel after Science Week 2020, subscribe here so you don’t miss it!***
Junior Cycle Class Workshops
(throughout Science Week)
We have a selection of workshops and discussion topics developed for Junior Cycle classes which are suitable for an online format.
A member of our AstroLands Education Team will video call into your class to run an interactive workshop and lead a discussion around a range of topics, including investigating telescopes of the past and future, exploring our Solar System and more.
For more details and to book a workshop, complete the application form here. Limited availability, restricted to one class group per session to ensure all students get the best experience.
Contact education@lofar.ie with any queries.

Primary School Class Workshops
(throughout Science Week)
Explore the Solar System with a hands on, interactive workshop designed for 5th and 6th class students!
A member of our AstroLands Education Team will video call into your class to lead an activity where students learn about planets in our Solar System and understand more about the incredible scale of our corner of space.
For more details and to book a workshop, contact education@lofar.ie. Limited availability, restricted to one class group per session to ensure all students get the best experience.
CPD Sessions for JC Science
(4th and 7th November)
Prepare for Science Week 2020 with a Continual Professional Development workshop with I-LOFAR. Developed around learning outcomes in the Earth and Space strand of the Junior Cycle Science Curriculum, these sessions will provide lesson plans, classroom resources, and discussions with peers around classroom activities.
Find out more and register here

Every effort will be made to accommodate participants on their preferred date, however spaces are limited so you may be offered alternative dates.
For any queries email education@lofar.ie
These activities are part of the I-LOFAR Astronomical Midlands (AstroLands) Education Programme, run by Trinity College Dublin School of Physics and supported by Science Foundation Ireland and ESERO Ireland.