Blog 3 – DIAS and Dunsink!
This week Jane and I are continuing to develop exhibits for the…
11/07/2019/by Áine Flood
AstroLands Launch and I-LOFAR Education Centre Opening
On Thursday 30th May 2019, the I-LOFAR Education Centre was opened…
11/07/2019/by Áine Flood
Blog 2 – Observing, Camps and Exhibits
This week Jeremy and I have been finalising preparations for…
04/07/2019/by Áine Flood
Space Camp 2019 is Go for Launch!
The I-LOFAR Education Team are excited to announce the launch…
04/07/2019/by Áine Flood
Blog One – Intern Intro!
Hello World, Jeremy and Jane here, we’re interns at the I-LOFAR…
28/06/2019/by Áine Flood
Summer Astronomy Tours in Birr
As part our AstroLands programme we are offering FREE guided…
07/06/2019/by Áine Flood
Launch of I-LOFAR Education Centre & AstroLands Education Programme
Trinity College Dublin, Birr Scientific & Heritage Foundation,…
28/05/2019/by Peter Gallagher
Astronomers Publish New Map of the Sky Detecting Thousands of Previously Unknown Galaxies
- Team includes researchers from University College Dublin
19/02/2019/by Aoife Ryan-…

Latest All Sky Images with I-LOFAR
The latest all sky images observed by I-LOFAR show the radio…
07/02/2019/by Pearse Murphy
LOFAR Radio Telescope Reveals Secrets of Solar Storms
Dublin, Ireland, February 18, 2019: An international team of…
01/02/2019/by Peter Gallagher
LOFAR Minecraft – LOFAR Enters the Virtual Universe
LOFAR Minecraft
Fionn (11)…
16/12/2018/by Peter GallagherLOFAR Minecraft
Fionn (11)…

The Astronomical Midlands: Engaging Rural Communities with Astronomy
We are delighted to launch a new engagement project in 2019 -…
03/12/2018/by Peter Gallagher
Offaly County Council confers Civic Recognition Award on Professor Peter Gallagher
Press Release from Offaly County Council:
Professor Gallagher…
23/10/2018/by Peter GallagherProfessor Gallagher…

First Pulsar Light with I-LOFAR!
Pulsars are rotating neutron stars that beam radiation into space…
24/09/2018/by Peter Gallagher
Ireland’s Biggest Telescope Gearing up to Catch the Perseid Meteor Shower
This week the team at I-LOFAR has been excitedly undergoing preparations…
08/08/2018/by Aoife Ryan
Big Data Processing for I-LOFAR: REALTA
I-LOFAR is a true ‘big data’ project, and as part of the…
31/07/2018/by Peter Gallagher
Observing the Sun at the nanosecond scale with the I-LOFAR Transient Buffer Boards
Transient Buffer Boards (TBBs) are a part of I-LOFAR’s data…
30/07/2018/by Pearse Murphy
Ready for Space Explorers!
On June 5, 2018 we completed the refurbishment of our new I-LOFAR…
05/06/2018/by Peter Gallagher
I-LOFAR used as part of the International LOFAR Telescope for the first time to Observe Flaring Star
The Irish LOFAR telescope at Birr reached a major milestone on…
09/03/2018/by Peter Gallagher
Introduction to Science, Operations and Data Analysis with an International LOFAR Station
School of Physics, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin…
18/12/2017/by Peter Gallagher
Honorary Doctorates for World-Leaders in Astronomy
This week, UCD and TCD awarded Honorary Doctorates to two…
08/12/2017/by Peter Gallagher
I-LOFAR Consortium win SFI Award for International Engagement
Orlaigh Quinn (Secretary General of the Department of the Department…
17/11/2017/by Peter Gallagher
I-LOFAR Education Centre Progress
The builders are back in Birr! In October 2017 our building contractor…
02/11/2017/by Peter Gallagher
Watch the LOFAR TV documentary “13 Billion Light Years From Birr”
We're delighted to announce that the documentary on LOFAR is…
02/11/2017/by Peter Gallagher
New radio telescope in Birr detects huge solar storms
Dublin, Thursday September 13th, 2017 - The past two weeks have…
13/09/2017/by Peter Gallagher
Minister Halligan Switches on World Leading Radio Telescope: I-LOFAR
27/07/2017/by alomeara
Ireland to join leading international astronomy collaboration
Department signs funding agreement to enable Ireland to join…
29/06/2017/by Peter Gallagher
ILOFAR Layout is Rolled Out!
Looking back across what resembles a mini Sahara desert atop…
17/05/2017/by Aoife Ryan
Professor Peter Gallagher made Chevalier by the French Government
At a presentation at the French Ambassador’s Residence in Dublin,…
16/05/2017/by alomeara
Trucking for Science – from the Netherlands with LOFAR
Our extra-terrestrial trucker, Dr Ryan Milligan, made the first…
26/04/2017/by Peter Gallagher
Trinity Week & codify&Birr!!!!!
Week 8:
Started with editing the new I-LOFAR website,…
20/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanMonday:
Started with editing the new I-LOFAR website,…

Posters, Papers, and Falcons!!!
Week 4:
This week I started with reading Diana (Post Doctorate)…
10/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanThis week I started with reading Diana (Post Doctorate)…

Week Of Reading
Week 3:
Started my week of with reading the paper on “LOFAR:…
10/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanStarted my week of with reading the paper on “LOFAR:…

I-LOFAR visit
Week 2:
Monday was a day of coding and reading research papers…
10/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanMonday was a day of coding and reading research papers…

Beginning of my 6 month journey
I am a third year physics student studying at the Dublin Institute…
10/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
I-LOFAR Team Member Awarded €2 Million by European Research Council
A member of the I-LOFAR consortium has won €2 million in funding…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Gravitational Waves Detected from Black Hole Merger
Today was a momentous day for physicists, who have finally detected…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Trinity Solar Physics Feature on Cover of Leading International Journal
Research from the School of Physics has been featured on the…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
I-LOFAR in Government’s Midlands Action Plan for Jobs
On June 29, 2015 the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation,…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Irish Astronomer Searching for Exoplanets using LOFAR
An international team of scientists lead by Irish astronomer…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Sunspotter Workshops for the Midlands Science Festival
Several Sunspotter workshops took place in a number of Midlands…
09/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanRadio Bursts from the Sun Imaged using LOFAR
The Solar Physics Group at TCD are excited to report that they…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Big Day For Birr With Launch Of Solar Observatory
AN IMPORTANT day in the history of Birr Castle took place on…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Trinity’s New Observatory in Birr to Illuminate the Sun-Earth Connection
The Rosse Solar-Terrestrial Observatory, which will be opened…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
LOFAR Test Array Back Up and Running Better than Ever
The LOFAR Test Array is operational once again in the midlands…
09/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanAll-sky Movie Recorded by a Single LOFAR Station
During the weekend of 30th of may - 1st of June, the Solar Physics…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Clear Skies in Birr for Radio Astronomy
The Trinity Solar Physics Group has been working hard over the…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
LOFAR Colloquia at UCC and UCD
LOFAR Colloquia will take place at UCC and UCD in February, where…
09/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanEngineers Ireland Lecture: “The Radio Universe: Astronomy at Long Wavelengths”
“An Chruinne Raidió: Réalteolaíocht ag Tonnfhaid…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Trinity Launches I–LOFAR Alumni Campaign
Trinity has a long and distinguished tradition in astronomy and…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
Funding Sought In Europe For Birr Castle Radio Telescope Project
A MAJOR scientific project to be based in Birr, was showcased…
09/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanI-LOFAR at the EU Parliament in Brussels on November 5
I-LOFAR Briefing at EU Parliament
Meeting room WIB 05M003 (12:00…
09/04/2017/by Hannah CurrivanMeeting room WIB 05M003 (12:00…
Brussels Seminar: “I-LOFAR: A driver for smart and sustainable growth in Europe’s regions”
On the afternoon of 5 November 2013, a seminar on “LOFAR-A…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan
LOFAR Array and Visitor Centre Awarded Planning Permission
We are delighted to announce that Offaly County Council has been…
09/04/2017/by Hannah Currivan