Hello again!
If you haven’t heard already, next Tuesday and Wednesday (August 18th & 19th) is our AstroLands Academy event. It is for anyone who is currently in Transition Year or the Leaving Certificate cycle and is interested in studying physics or astrophysics in college.
We’re very excited to share it with you and are delighted to be including people in all levels of education and careers in science. Nathan and I will be chatting about our experience as undergraduate students. We will have some PhD researchers such as Ciara Maguire, who will be talking about her own solar research using radio astronomy (including I-LOFAR!). There will also be lecturers including Assistant Professor Sarp Akcay who will be talking about his work with the UCD Relativity group (picture below). With plenty more people, topics and places to learn about and ask questions of; make sure to sign up at https://lofar.ie/astrocamps/.

A screenshot of a talk given by one of the UCD Relativity group members, Josh Matthews from one of our Astro Camps showing the event horizon around a black hole.
If you’re not 16-18 and unfortunately missed out on our earlier camps then I have some good news for you! We are making some of our most popular activities from our Astro Camps, into YouTube videos. This means that everyone at home can give it a go, no matter your age. The first of which, created by Nathan, covering Origami in Space is already online. Click here to watch. You can subscribe and turn on notifications, to keep an eye out as there will be more coming soon!

A screenshot from our first activity YouTube video
Very soon my CPD resources for teachers will be up on the website, just in time for the new school year! And for anybody looking to do the classroom activities, the YouTube videos will also be an excellent tool for some of the lessons to aid in learning.
Tune back next week to hear how the AstroLands Academy went!
Blog post written by Amy Clancy