Visit to LOFAR Potsdam

Members of the I-LOFAR consortium visited the international LOFAR station in Potsdam in March 2012.

We took lots of photos and notes during the site visit, which we have included in the following summary document.

During the visit, we discussed practical issues associated with leveling the ground, drainage, fibre costs, site installation time-scales, and annual running costs. We also learned about single station observing modes.

Thanks to Prof. Gottfried Mann, Dr. Christian Volcks and Dr. Frank Breitling of the Institute of Astrophysics, Potsdam for arranging the visit and showing us round.

LOFAR Telescope First Results!

Scientists from the International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) today announced the kick-off of the project’s first all-sky survey at low radio frequencies and its first open call for observing proposals from the international astronomical community. LOFAR, the Low Frequency Array, is an innovative radio telescope built in the Netherlands and across northern Europe. LOFAR will make the still largely unexplored low-frequency radio sky accessible to astronomers for the first time. It will search for the first stars and black holes in the universe, hunt for cosmic radio bursts, pulsars, and ultra-high energy cosmic particles, study the sun and planets, and explore cosmic magnetic fields.

Above is an image of the Cygnus A radio galaxy observed by LOFAR at 240 MHz. LOFAR is being used to study supermassive black holes and the affect they have on their local environment. A classic example of an active galaxy is Cygnus A, which lies in a nearby cluster of galaxies at a distance of about 700 million lightyears. At the center of this galaxy is a powerful active nucleus that emits jets of plasma at relativistic speeds. An early LOFAR image at 240 MHz shown here that these jets extend far beyond the stellar part of the galaxy, up to 200 thousand light years from

the center, before abruptly interacting with the intra-cluster medium at impact points called hotspots. (Image Credits: J. McKean and M. Wise, ASTRON).

There are further detail on these exciting discoveries in a LOFAR press release at the American Astronomical Society on January 9, 2012.

I-LOFAR Project Update

Dr. Peter Gallagher gave an update on I-LOFAR at an ESFRI meeting hosted by Forfas and the Higher Education Authority in Dublin. ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, is a strategic instrument to develop the scientific integration of Europe and to strengthen its international outreach.

I-LOFAR featured in Irish Times

“As US funding wanes, European scientists are taking the lead in the search for extra-terrestrial life. A network of interconnected radio telescopes is the latest advance – and a bid is in place to link Ireland to the grid, enabling us to take huge photos of the night sky, writes JOHN HOLDEN” in the Irish Times.

“Low Frequency Arrays (Lofar) are giant multipurpose sensor radio telescopes which can look at large portions of the sky all at once,” explains Trinity College astrophysicist and member of the Irish Lofar consortium, Dr Peter Gallagher.

“The kinds of things you can see include hydrogen, which is all over the universe, as well as the sun, Jupiter, quasars, pulsars, exploding stars and remnants of exploding stars – anything that emits radio waves.”

“When looking for ETI through radio astronomy, you look for the kinds of signals that we ourselves might produce,” explains Dr Anna Scaife of the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies.

“Natural signals would look more broadband. You try to detect something like airport radar but from another planet. So we’re searching for signals that look man-made. The waves should look narrow and happen at particular wavelengths.”


The Irish LOFAR Consortium has received its strongest support to date from a number of Irish Government agencies and the International LOFAR Consortium. Science Foundation Ireland, the Royal Irish Academy, Discover Science & Engineering, and the Office of the Government Chief Scientist have all expressed their support for this exciting international project. Furthermore, the Institute of Physics and the International LOFAR Consortium are also strongly supportive.

The Letters of Support can be downloaded by clicking on the scanned letters shown below and to the right. They have also been included in the I-LOFAR white paper.

Our focus is now on raising funds to make I-LOFAR a reality. We are considering a number of options, including the EU and philanthropic foundations. Please contact Dr. Peter T. Gallagher if you or your organisation would like to contribute to the I-LOFAR project.


The kick-off meeting of the I-LOFAR Consortium took place in the RIA in Dublin. Over 20 researchers from across Ireland attended the meeting, which also included a talk by Prof. George Miley from the Leiden University.

A copy of the agenda and topics discussed at the meeting can be downloaded from:

Our plan is to hold the next meeting in March or April 2011, and possibly in Birr.

International LOFAR Talk

I-LOFAR was presented at the International LOFAR Telescope Consortium meeting in Amsterdam by Peter Gallagher. The presentation can be downloaded from:

The presentation was well received by the ILT Board. We have been invited to give an update on our progress in Ireland in June 2011.

I-LOFAR white paper

We have prepared a white paper that outlines our plans for the Irish LOFAR station, which can be accessed at:

Please do let us know if have any advice on how this project can be progressed or possibly are interested in supporting I-LOFAR. contact Dr. Peter Gallagher (


The I-LOFAR kick-off meeting will take place at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin on Wednesday, January 5 at 2pm. The agenda is: 

    1. Welcome

2. International LOFAR network overview and status

3. I-LOFAR management structure and work packages

4. Irish LOFAR Science

5. Sites

6. Industrial links

7. Education & Public Outreach

8. Funding-raising strategy

9. I-LOFAR time allocation

10. AOB


Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)’s 2010 Science Summit was held in Athlone, where over 300 of Ireland’s leading scientific researchers gathered for a two-day strategic think-in. The theme of this year’s Summit was “Mining Minds – A New Decade of Discovery”.

Peter Gallagher gave a 5-min elevator pitch on I-LOFAR. The talk generated a lot of interests from ICT researchers in particular. The talk can be downloaded from:

posted Nov 23, 2012, 11:06 AM by I LOFAR