The Irish National Astronomy Meeting (INAM) will be held in Birr, Co. Offaly on September 4-7, 2018. The focus will be on new opportunities for Irish astrophysics presented by membership of the International LOFAR Telescope (ILT) and of the European Southern Observatory (ESO).
Wednesday – New Frontiers
10:00 – 10:30: Welcome and Coffee
10:30 – 13:00: Session 1 (LOFAR)
- Status of I-LOFAR (Peter Gallagher, TCD).
- John Quinn/Sean Mooney, UCD.
- Aoife Ryan, TCD.
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:30: Session 2 (LOFAR)
- Oisin Creaner, DIAS.
- Pearse Murphy, TCD.
- Aaron Golden, NUIG.
- Ciara Maguire, TCD.
15:30 – 16:00: Coffee
16:00 – 17:30: Session 3 (ESO)
- Ireland and ESO: Recent Progress (Matt Redman/Paul Callan)
19:00 Public talk on Ireland and space – ESA, LOFAR, and ESO. Who?
Thursday – Ireland and ESA
09:00 – 10:30: Session 4 (ESA)
- Overview of the ESA Space Science Programme (John Zarnecki, ESA/SSAC Chair).
- Overview of Irish involvement in ESA missions (Lorraine Hanlon, UCD).
10:30 – 11:00: Coffee
11:00 – 13:00: Session 5 (ESA)
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 15:30: Session 6 (ESA)
- National Space Innovation Strategy (ESA Delegate).
15:30 – 16:00: Coffee
16:00 – 17:30: Session 7 (ESA)
19:00 INAM Conference Dinner, Dooley’s Hotel, Birr.
Friday – Engaging with Policy Makers, the Public and Children
09:00 – 10:30: Session 8 (Policy Makers)
- Lessons learned from LOFAR (Peter Gallagher, TCD).
- Lessons learned from ESO (Paul Callanan/Tom Ray).
10:30 – 11:00: Coffee
11:00 – 13:00: Session 9 (Public and Children)
- Light pollution and citizen science (Brian Espey, TCD).
- RAS200 Programme at Galway (Andy Shearer, NUIG).
- I-LOFAR Education Centre (Peter Gallagher, TCD).
- Plans for Space Week 2018 (Clair McSweeney, BCO).
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch
14:00 – 16:00: Formal opening of I-LOFAR Education Centre.